br.player.anima |
These functions help in retrieving information about anima powers gained in Torghast *Shadowlands*. |
br.player.buff |
These functions help in retrieving information about buffs. | |
These functions help in retrieving information about spell and item cooldowns. |
br.player.cast |
These functions help in casting spells and retrieving information about casts. |
br.player.charges |
These functions help in retrieving information about spell and item charges. |
br.player.conduit |
This table provides information about conduit powers *Shadowlands*. |
br.player.covenant |
This table provides information about covenants *Shadowlands*. |
br.player.debuff |
These functions help in retrieving information about debuffs. |
br.player.enemies |
These functions return a table of enemies for the provided parameters. |
br.player.equiped |
These functions help in retrieving information about equiped items. |
br.player.essence |
This table provides information about essences *Shadowlands*. |
br.player.has |
These functions help in retrieving information if you have an item or not. |
br.player.module |
These functions helpful functions for commonly used features in all profiles. |
br.player.power |
These functions help in retrieving information about player power. |
br.player.spell |
These functions help in retrieving information about spells. |
br.player.talent |
These calls help in retrieving information about talent based checks. |
br.player.ui |
These functions help in retrieving information about or manipulating UI elements. |
br.player.units |
This function helps in retrieving the "best" unit for the specified range and AOE/Facing. |
br.player.use |
These functions help in retrieving information if you can use an item or not. |